EPS-HEP Conference 2021
European Physical Society conference on high energy physics 2021
Online conference, July 26-30, 2021

Speaker information

For parallel session speakers

Uploading the presentation

We like to ask you to upload your presentation file to your contribution in INDICO yourself at your earliest convenience. To do so, please register and ask for an account on the DESY INDICO system. If all fails, you may ask the conveners of your session to upload the talk for you.

Please test well in advance that the uploading works technically: go to your contribution in INDICO and login with your INDICO account. If all is set up properly, you should see a button with a little pen symbol at the bottom right of the page next to the "presentation material" section. Klicking the button will allow you to upload material.

Recording of the presentation

We would like to record your presentation at the EPS-HEP2021 conference and make it publicly available via the INDICO page and the DESY media streaming server until one week after the end of the conference. Please register via the speaker release agreement on INDICO and indicate if you give us permission to do so or not.

Please fill the speaker release agreement by Friday, July 23.

Please note: this registration form is only meant to ask for your consent to the recording, it does not affect your participation in the conference. The information given to this form will not appear publicly. We will only make the recordings of the talks available, not the questions and answers. The recordings will be deleted one week after the end of the conference.